Privacy Policy

Reach Dentist is the author and publisher of the internet resource (“Website”) on the World Wide Web and its related software and applications.

This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, share, disclose and protect Personal information about the Users of our Services, including the Practitioners, and the visitors of Website (jointly and severally referred to as "you" or "Users" in this Privacy Policy). We have created this Privacy Policy to show our commitment to the security of your privacy as well as your personal information. Access and use for Services will be subject to this privacy Policy along with our Terms and Conditions of Service. 

By using the services or by otherwise giving us your information, you will be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the practices and policies outlined in this privacy policy and agree to be bound by the privacy policy. You hereby agree to our receipt, use, sharing, and disclosure of your data as described in this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to modify, alter, add or remove portions of the Terms of this Privacy Policy at our absolute discretion anytime. If you are not in agreement with this privacy policy at any time, do not make use of any of the services or give us any of your personal information. if you utilize the services on behalf of someone else (such as your child) or an entity (such as your employer) you represent that you have been authorized by the individual or entity to (i) accept this privacy policy on the individual's or entity's behalf, and (ii) consent on behalf of such a person or entity to our collection, use and disclosure of the individual's or entity's personal information in the manner described in this privacy policy.

The Privacy Policy states the following:
The kind of information that is obtained from Users includes Personal Information (as defined in paragraph 2 below). The reason, method, and methods of collecting information, use, processing, storage and destruction of this data and what and to whom Reach Dentist will share such information.


Most of our services require that we identify you so we can better serve your needs. If you engage using these services with us through email, phone calls or any other form of correspondence or other correspondence, we might ask you to give us certain information that personally identifies you, or can be used to identify you. You consent to the gathering of such data through Reach Dentist. Without prejudice to the broadness of the preceding, the information we collect from you may comprise (but is not restricted to) the following:

  • Contact information - email address / phone numberInformation about your demographics - age, date of birth, and pincode
  • Information regarding your use of the Services and the details of appointments 
  • Information about your insurance - your insurance company and your insurance plan
  • Other information you may decide to share with us (such as the information you share with us).


This section applies to all users.

  • Accordingly, a prerequisite for any User's use and access for the services is agreement to the terms of Service also entails acceptance of the conditions in this Privacy Policy. Anyone who is not in agreement with any of the provisions in this policy can choose to stop using the services provided by Reach Dentist immediately.

  • An indicative list of the data that Reach Dentist might require you to disclose to enable the use of the Services is included in the Schedule that is annexed in this Privacy Policy.

  • All the information given to Reach Dentist by the User such as Personal Information or any sensitive personal data and/or Information is voluntarily provided. You acknowledge that Reach Dentist might use certain data of yours that has been identified to be Personal Information or Sensitive personal Data or Information in accordance with the SPI Rules, (a) to provide you with Service, (b) for commercial purposes, and in aggregated or non-personally identifiable manner for research or statistical analysis, as well as for reasons of business intelligence, (c) to sell or trade the information, statistics, or research data in non-personally identifiable or aggregated form to affiliates and third parties. (d) To facilitate communication to give the user with an easier method to book appointments and getting feedback regarding Reach Dentist Practitioners and their work, (e) debugging customer problems related to customer support.. (f) to serve purposes of contacting the user to complete a transaction, if you fail to complete the transaction within a certain time frame after providing the Reach Dentist with your contact information during the process of completing the steps required to complete the transaction. Reach Dentist retains the right to utilize information supplied by or concerning the End-User to fulfill the following reasons:
    • Information published on the website.
    • Contacting End-Users about new services or products.
    • Contacting the End-User for service and product feedback.
    • Studying the patterns of usage in software to improve product design and functionality.
    • Analyzing the anonymous information about practice for use in commercial transactions.


If you have provided the Personal Data to Reach Dentist to fulfill any of the purposes described above, you consent to the collection and usage of the information provided by Reach Dentist.  

  • Collection, use and disclosure of information that is designated as Personal Information or sensitive personal Data or Information in accordance with the SPI Rules require your consent. By affirming your agreement to the terms of this Privacy policy, you give your consent to the use and disclosure, as permitted by law.
  • Reach Dentist does not influence or approve of the content, messages , or information contained within or through any Services and, consequently, Reach Dentist specifically disclaims any responsibility with respect to the Services as well as any actions arising of your involvement in the Services and you agree to waive any claims you may have against Reach Dentist in connection with the those Services, and, in the event that the waiver is not effective and you are obligated to release the claims you have against Reach Dentist.
  • You are responsible to ensure the accuracy of details you provide, including the contact information in the account registration process. If your personal data changes anytime you can alter details by making the correction through our member profile page, or contacting us at privacy@  If you supply certain information inaccurate, false, untrue or inaccurate, outdated or insufficient (or becomes false, inaccurate or out of date, or incorrect) or Reach Dentist has reason to believe that the information supplied by you is not true or inaccurate, or is outdated or insufficient, Reach Dentist may, at its sole discretion, end the supply of Services for you. 
  • If you wish to terminate your account or want us to not utilize your information to provide you with Services, please contact us. We will store your personal information for the duration of time that your account on the Services is active and required to provide you with Services. We will not store any information that is not needed for as long as is required to fulfill the purposes that the information can legally be used or legally required by any other law at the period currently in the force. 
  • If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving other communications , including promotional and marketing-related information about the Services, you can contact us at support@ Reach .
  • Reach Dentist may require the user to pay by the use of a wire transfer, credit card or debit card to purchase Services for which the subscription amount(s) are due. Reach Dentist will gather the Credit card number of the user and other information about financial institutions like bank account numbers and utilize that information to complete process of billing and payment which include but not restricted to the use or disclosure of the credit card numbers and other details to third-party parties when necessary to finish the billing process. The verification of credit card information is however performed exclusively by the user via authenticating process. Credit card or debit card information is processed on secure sites of payment gateways that are encrypted digitally and provide the highest possible level of security according to the current technology. 
  • Due to the communication standards of the Internet when a user or End-User who accesses the website Reach Dentist is automatically notified of an URL for the website from which the visitor comes. Reach Dentist also collects information about the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer that each User is using (or an intermediary server used by a User uses to access on the World Wide Web), Operating system on the computer of the user, the type of web browser that User is using, the email patterns, and the name of the Internet Service Provider. The information collected is used to study general trends and aid in helping Reach Dentist improve its service. 
  • The Website uses temporary cookies to save certain information that are used by Reach Dentist along with its providers of services to assist in the Administration of technical aspects of the website for research and development, and also for the administration of users. 
  • A User may have restricted accessibility to our Website, without making accounts on the website. Users who are not registered can schedule appointments with doctors by giving their name and telephone number. To gain access to all benefits and features offered on our website the user must first sign up for an account with us on our website. To sign up for an account, a user is required to supply the below information, which the User acknowledges and expressly agrees Personal Information that allows others such as Reach Dentist to recognize the User's Name, User ID email address, postal/zip code age, telephone number, password selected by the user, and valid financial account details. 
  • The Website may allow Users to communicate with other users or to publish information that could be accessible by others and, in turn, other Users can take the information. These Users, which includes administrators or moderators are not Reach Dentist agents or representatives. Their opinions or opinions do not necessarily represent the views of Reach Dentist, and they do not have the authority to bind Reach Dentist to any agreement.  
  • Reach Dentist does not gather information about visitors of the Website from any other sources, like public records or bodies or private organizations, except and only for the purpose for registration of users (the gathering of, use, storage, and dissemination of information that every End User must accept in the Terms of Use to allow Reach Dentist to be able to render the Services).
  • Reach Dentist maintains a strict "No-Spam" policy. This means that Reach Dentist will not rent, sell or provide your email address to any third-party without your authorization.
  • Reach Dentist implements reasonable security practices and procedures and has a comprehensive documented information security program and information security policies that contain managerial, technical, operational and physical security control measures that are commensurate with respect to the information being collected and the nature of Reach Dentist’s business.
  • Reach Dentist takes your right to privacy very seriously and other than as specifically stated in this Privacy Policy, will only disclose your Personal Information in the event it is required to do so by law, rule, regulation, law enforcement agency, governmental official, legal authority or similar requirements or when Reach Dentist, in its sole discretion, deems it necessary in order to protect its rights or the rights of others, to prevent harm to persons or property, to fight fraud and credit risk, or to enforce or apply the Terms of Use.


This section applies to all Practitioners.

  • As part of the registration process and the application submission and creation process accessible for Practitioners on Reach Dentist Certain data such as Personal Information or sensitive personal data or information is collected from Practitioners.

  • All the statements in this Privacy Policy are applicable to all Practitioners and therefore all Practitioners are obliged to read and comprehend the privacy policies set forth in this document prior to providing any sensitive or personal information or Personal Information or Data to Reach Dentist. If they fail to do so, they must cease using the Services including the website, immediately.

Practitioners’ personally identifiable information, which they choose to provide to Reach Dentist, is used to help the Practitioners describe and identify themselves. This information is exclusively owned by Reach Dentist You will be the owner of your information and you consent to Reach Dentist collecting, using, processing and/or disclosing this information for the purposes hereinafter stated. Reach Dentist may use such information for commercial purposes and in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form for research, statistical analysis and business intelligence purposes, and may sell or otherwise transfer such research, statistical or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates. Reach Dentist also reserves the right to use information provided by or about the Practitioner for the following purposes:

  • Contacting practitioners to offer new products or services is subject to the number registered by the DNC Registry.
  • The published information on the Website.
  • Contacting Practitioners for taking product feedback.
  • Studying the patterns of usage in software to improve the design of products and functionality.
  • Analyzing practice data that is anonymous, such as inventory and financial information for use in commercial transactions.


Reach Dentist may also display information for Practitioners who have not signed up or registered for the Services, provided that the Practitioners have consented to Reach Dentist collecting, processing and/or disclosing their information on the Website. Such Practitioners are verified by Reach Dentist or its associates, and Reach Dentist makes every effort to capture accurate information for such Practitioners. However, Reach Dentist does not undertake any liability for any incorrect or incomplete information appearing on the Website for such Practitioners.

  • Reach Dentist may also display information about Practitioners who haven't yet registered to use the Services in the event they have signed a consent form. Practitioners have given their consent to Reach Dentist collecting information, processing and/or disclosing their personal information on the Website. These Practitioners are checked with Reach Dentist and its affiliates and Reach Dentist strives to collect accurate information about those Practitioners. But, Reach Dentist is not liable for any responsibility for inaccurate or incorrect information that appears on the Website of such Practitioners.
  • Reach Dentist may also divulge or transfer personal information about End-Users and other data provided by the User to a third party , as part of reorganization , or as a sale of assets of the Reach Dentist division of a corporation or. Any third party that Reach Dentist sells or transfers its assets will be granted the right to continue to utilize the personal information and other details provided by End-Users to Reach Dentist according to the terms of Use.
  • To the extent required to provide End-Users with services, Reach Dentist might disclose their personal information to third-party contractors working for or on behalf of Reach Dentist in order to supply End-Users the Services, or to assist Reach Dentist communicate with users or to manage the website or other independent third-party service providers that process payments, including offering a payment deferral option for End-Users who use the Services. These service providers are granted access to the data needed to process payments, however they are not permitted to make use of it for any other purpose. In general, these companies are not independent and have no rights to share the information, but certain contractors that provide services via the Website, such as companies that provide online communication services are able to use and disclose the personal data collected as part of the delivery of these services in accordance with their individual privacy policies. In this case you are in agreement with the disclosure of your personal information to third party contractors to fulfill the purposes for which they were designed.



  • No sensitive personal information or data is obtained by Reach Dentist from visitors on this website who just browse through the site.
  • Nevertheless, certain aspects within this Privacy Policy are applicable to casual visitors. These casual visitors are obliged to read and comprehend the privacy policies outlined in this Policy If they don't, they're ordered to leave this website immediately.
  • If you, as a casual viewer accidentally visited any other pages of the Website before reading these privacy policies that are contained in this document If you are not satisfied with the way in the way that such information is gathered, processed, used, disclosed or stored and stored, processed, disclosed and retained simply logging off this browser application is sufficient to remove all temporary cookies set by Reach Dentist. 
  • You are not a casual user when you have submitted any personal information or data to Reach Dentist by any method such as email, post or via the registration process on the website. All visitors to the Website will be considered as, and be considered to be Users in the sense the purposes of the Privacy Policy, in this the case, all of the provisions within this Privacy Policy will apply to these individuals. 


Your Personal Information is stored through Reach Dentist in electronic format on its equipment, as well as within the devices of the employees. This information can be converted into physical format from time to moment. Reach Dentist will take all the necessary steps to protect your personal data both online as well as off-line. We also implement appropriate security measures that include certain technical, managerial physical and operational security measures that are proportional to the information taken into account in relation to the scope of the business.
No administrator at Reach Dentist has access to your password. It is crucial to ensure that you are protected from an unauthorized use of your password. This includes smartphone and computer. Always ensure that you exit from the website after you have finished. Reach Dentist is not liable for any responsibility for any misuse of your password and account. If you suspect any unauthorized usage of your account you must immediately inform Reach Dentist via message to support@ Reach 
Reach Dentist makes all data about users available to employees, agents, partners only on a strictly need-to-know basis and only those employees who are bound by strict confidentiality requirements.
Part of the Reach Dentist 's function is to assist doctors in maintaining and organize the information. Reach Dentist could, therefore keep and forward all of these documents to appropriate authorities or to physicians who want access to this data.
Part of the Reach Dentist 's function assists patients in allowing them in obtaining information about their. Reach Dentist could, therefore keep and forward all of these information to patients or their medical professionals.
Notwithstanding the above Reach Dentist is not accountable for the security, confidentiality or disclosure or disclosure of Personal Information by our partners or other third parties outside of the terms of our agreements with those partners and other third parties. 


Reach Dentist may update this Privacy Policy at any time, with or without advance notice. If there are major changes in the manner in which Reach Dentist handles User's personal information, or within the Privacy Policy in general, Reach Dentist will display an announcement on its Website or email Users. 
If a user uses the Services or browses the Website following a notification of changes has been provided to that User or made public in the site, the User is hereby indicating his/her consent to the new terms.


Reach Dentist is strongly encouraging parents to be aware of the activities online of their children. They should take into consideration using parental control tools that are available from software and online services to ensure a child-friendly online environment. These tools can also prevent minors from disclosing their identity address, phone number, or other information that is personally identifiable online without parental consent. 


You completely acknowledge that your use on the Website along with its Services indicates your (i) acceptance of this Privacy Policy as well as (ii) agree to the Reach Dentist making use of, collecting, processing or disclosing your Personal Information in accordance with the purposes described within this Privacy Policy. Your use of the Website and access to the Services are in compliance with the privacy Policy as well as the terms of use.


If you have any questions regarding the Privacy Policy and Reach Dentist 's data collection, use, and practices regarding disclosure, you can make contact with our Data Protection Officer, who is appointed by Reach Dentist in compliance to the provisions of the PDPA. Reach Dentist will make the best efforts in responding to any questions, requests, or issues you may have concerning the use we make or disclosure of personal data. If you have a grievance in relation to the use of your personal information by us you can express your concerns to the Data Protection Officer.